Litters born at S*Viento´s

Born Litter Sire Madame Kittens
2023-09-17 Ben Jerry IC S*Viento´s Cosmic Crisp JW IS*Norðheima Evita 2,females
2023-05-31 Brands of Clothes 2 S*Prana´s Makai S*Viento´s Bumblebee 1male, 2 females
2023-05-29 Brands of Clothes 1 S*Kronängens Flsh S*Viento´s Sexy By Nature 1 male, 3 females
2022.06.30 BillieBlush S*Viento´s Jasper S*Dalkullans Joplin 1 male
2022.03.02 Apple babies S*Zygot´s Bosse-Nova S*Viento´s Bumblebee 2 males, 1female
2021.11.07 Pokemon moveset (N) Laksjøens Abbe Månedans S*Hemligheten´s Chloe 3 males, 1 female
2021.10.24 Naturebabies II (N) Laksjøens Abbe Månedans S*Viento´s Yamina 3 males, 2 females
2020.10.22 Rimmel-babies S*Viento´s Jasper S*Dalkullans Joplin 3 males
2020.09.16 Titans S*Viento´s Jasper S*Hemligheten´s Chloe 3 males, 1 female
2020.07.09 Y-babies IC S*Dalkullans Gyllenhammar GIC S*Zimexis Elektra Rose 1 male, 3 females
2019.09.25 Austrain Lakes S*Viento´s Lapras S*Hemligheten´s Chloe 2 males, 2 females
2019.07.09 Jasper DK* Elvdals Vertigo GIC S*Zimexis Elektra Rose 1 male
2019.03.04 Waterfalls SC S*Restless Caramel Chew Chew JW DVM DSM S*Dalkullans Joplin 2 females, 3 males
2019.01.14 Desert Toddlers SC S*Restless Caramel Chew Chew JW DVM DSM S*Viento´s Kerrigan 2 females, 1 male
2018.10.20 All That Glitter SC S*Dalkullans Billy Bisquit JW DSM DVM DM GIC S*Viento´s Summer Shot 1 female, 4 males
2018.06.15 Lazy Lullaby IC S*Zygot´s Joyous JW S*Viento´s Mafaldine  1 female
2017.11.28 M·A·C Lady Danger S*Zygot´s Joyous JW IC S*Viento´s Eureka 1female
2017.11.26 Starcraf babies S*Zygot´s Joyous JW CH Soraya of Simchat *CH 2 female, 1 male
2017.08.13 M·A·C lipstick babies SC FI*Foxy Paw´s Hoo-Daddy JW GIC S*Zimexis Elektra Rose 1 female,  3 males
2017.04.30 Pasta Toddlers SC S*Restless Caramel Chew Chew JW DVM DSM CH Soraya of Simchat *CH 1 female, 4 males
2017.04.30 Pokemontoddler 2 SC S*Restless Caramel Chew Chew JW DVM DSM IC S*Viento´s Eureka 3 males
2016.12.30 Pokemon toddlers S*Pax Galileo JW IC S*Viento´s Eureka 2 males 
2016.03.15 Coffeelovers IC FI*Foxy Paw´s Hoo-Daddy JW IC S*Zimexis Elektra Rose 1 female & 1 male
2016.03.13 Fashion for passion IC FI*Foxy Paw´s Hoo-Daddy JW IC S*Viento´s Summer Shot 2 females, 2 males
2016.01.06 Headphone Toddlers  S*Viento´s Naughty By Nature CH Soraya of Simchat *CH 4 females, 1male
2015.10.18 Velicoraptors SC S*Restless Caramel Chew Chew JW DVM DSM CH S*Viento's Eureka 1 female, 5 males
2014.11.13 I Love Shoes Toddlers CH DK*Sakeena´s Jelous Guy CH S*Viento´s Summer Shot 1 female, 2 males
2014.10.13 Indian Taste Treasures IC SE*Timotejs Amadeus Mozart CH S*Viento's Eureka 3 females, 2 males
2014.06.25 Nature Boys CH (N) Stiv Kuling´s Gunvald Gåttabanen CH S*Zimexis Elektra Rose 3 males
2013.08.04 Sweet Tooth - toddlers SC S*Restless Caramel Chew Chew JW CH Soraya of Simchat*CH 2 females, 1 male
2013.03.14 Party-Toddlers EC S*Utblicken´s Zimson  S*Zimexis Elektra Rose 3 females, 1 male
2012.12.05 City-Toddlers GIC N*Tingokattesn Viking CH Soraya of Simchat*CH 3 females, 1 male
2012.02.10 Style-Toddlers IC S*Aristo Limaz Azlan Fuego CH S*Viento´s Search&Destroy 2 females, 3 males
2011.07.04 River-Toddlers SC S*Restless Caramel Chew Chew JW CH Soraya of Simchat*CH 3 females, 1 male
2010.10.28 Security-litter IC S*Lindsay´S Lord Calvert S*Little L´s Emmie Elara 3 females, 2 males
2010.09.25 Host-litter S*Zygot´s IC Philou d'Haakona*CH CH Soraya of Simchat*CH 3 females, 2 males

The cat's speech

have carved my claws in my owner's heart,
that she is mine.
into my eyes, she has promised me fidelity.

I put
my head in
to her hands because she likes me.
cool hand playing over my
soft coat.

I go to sleep, I look into her eyes, because when I sleep I shall have her picture in my memory.
I wake up she's always there.

I am safe
near her body as she
guard me.
is safe near my soft fur, because I guard her.

I follow
every step she takes, listening to every word she gives.

have carved my claws in my owner's heart that she is mine.

//author unknown